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Picture of The Pelican Club

The Pelican Club


25 years ago, Roy and Lyn opened The Pelican Club in Newton Road, which they still run to this day.

Massage Parlours have been in Roy and Lyn’s family since they were kids. 

Their Father, Ron King, opened the Japanese Bathhouse Massage Parlour, 2 years after they immigrated to New Zealand.

From there he opened The Penthouse Massage Parlour in Symonds St, Geisha Bathhouse Massage Parlour in Customs St and, most famously, Floras Massage Parlour which was started by Flora McKenzie.

When Roy left school at 15, he ran Floras Massage Parlour for his Father.  By the time Roy was 17, Ron had moved to Australia and Roy was in charge of them all.

Prostitution was illegal in those days, although the Massage Parlour itself was legal, as long as nothing sexual took place! All the girls knew if Roy played Joe Cocker, it meant the cops were coming up the stairs, the girls quickly put their clothes on and draped a towel over the clients “nether region” so when the cops burst into the rooms the clients were enjoying an innocent deep tissue massage.

As the years rolled on, the system changed to a light, which was activated by Roy. It came on in the room to warn the girls what was happening.

As well as running the brothels, Roy also started Pampers Massage Parlour and an Escort Agency called “Personal Services”.

In May 1996 Ron returned to New Zealand and opened Showgirls, and The Penthouse Massage Parlour next door to Showgirls.

Ron sold Showgirls about 12 years ago to return to Australia and left Lyn and Roy to run The Penthouse Massage Parlour and Floras Massage Parlour until they were sold. 

Nowadays, thanks to the law change, massage parlours and brothels are legal.  More importantly, we no longer have to worry about the police trying to catch ladies having illegal sex.  MASSAGE PARLOURS PROVIDING SEX, ARE NOW LEGAL IN NEW ZEALAND.

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