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Picture of The Pelican Club

The Pelican Club

Bi Double/Straight Double with Two Sexy Auckland Escorts

Terminology in the sex industry is an ever-changing language which can be very confusing for everyone.    A  Bi Double/Straight Double can be called Threesomes, Orgies, Menage a Trois, FMF, MFM,  Devil’s Threesome, the list goes on….    The common terms used currently in the sex industry are Straight Double and Bi Double.

A Straight Double is you, together with two Female  Auckland Escorts.  Both Ladies have sex with you but do not have sex with each other.  This service costs $200 cash for each lady for the hour and the club fee is $260 cash.  This service is cheaper from 10 am-6.30 pm.

A Bi-Double is two ladies with you. The two Escorts have sex with you and each other.  The cash (day) price is $260 for the club fee and both Auckland Escorts receive $260.

You can decide if you want to have this amazing experience here at The Pelican Club, or at your home or Hotel.  The prices quoted include the use of a room here at The Club

Call us on (09) 358 0900 or text us on (021) 02476311 and our friendly manageress will give you details of all the available ladies.  This way, you can make the best choice for you.

When you are deciding which ladies to choose, it is advisable to listen to the Manageress’s advice as she will know which ladies work best together.

Many men fantasize about a Bi Double/Straight Double and like the thought of having sex with more than one hot woman at a time. What better way, than having sex with two beautiful women who are genuinely bi.  There is no pretending at The Pelican Club.  These women will love having sex with you and each other.  Full service includes kissing, oral (give and receive) multi shots, toys (on request) and heaps of fun for everyone!

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